These are the savory ones.
These are the sweet ones
These are oven roasted Chickpeas, also know as Garbanzo Beans. They turned out similar to Corn Nuts. I made one sweet (cinnamon & sugar) and the other savory (seasoning salt & garlic). I liked the savory one the best and I will likely make these again at some point.
Troy says, "What the hell are those?" Ha ha ha! Hope you guys are doing good! :)
I dont have your email address but here is a link to see the pictures that the baby photographer took of her while we were at the hospital.
under webnursery, it is easiest to search by family. I'm sure you know the info but here it is anyways:
birthday: march 15, 2009
mothers last name:campos
city: ogden
we ordered a cd so we'll be able to print some out and what not.
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